Global Insights into COVID-19

Exploring COVID-19 Statistics Across the World, Highlighting Australia and Malaysia

Covid Particle


Embark on a visual journey that illuminates the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across our global society. This visualisation unfolds a story that begins with a bird's-eye view of the global landscape, meticulously deciphers the emerging trends, and spotlights the varied impacts on individual nations - with a special focus on Australia and Malaysia.

The Global Landscape provides a macro perspective, illustrating the pervasive reach of the virus across continents and countries, depicted through total cases and deaths per million inhabitants. This section offers a broad understanding of the pandemic's ubiquity and severity on a global scale.

As we delve deeper, Deciphering Trends seeks to unravel the underlying patterns and correlations within the pandemic data, such as the relationship between cases, deaths, and testing. It sheds light on the nuances and disparities in how different countries have navigated through the pandemic's tumultuous waves.

In Diverse Impacts Across Nations, we juxtapose the impacts and responses of different countries, unveiling a tapestry of varied experiences, strategies, and outcomes. It hones in on specific metrics that illustrate the breadth of the pandemic's impacts, providing a comparative lens to understand the pandemic in diverse national contexts.


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The Global Landscape

World Total Covid Cases Per Million (March, 2022)

Explore the global impact of COVID-19 through the lens of the Choropleth Map, illustrating Total Covid Cases per Million across the world. Darker shades indicate a higher case count, providing an immediate visual indicator of the pandemic's reach. Utilize the interactive features: hover over countries for detailed data and use the zoom slider or map centre dropdown to focus on specific regions, offering a tailored view to compare and contrast the viral impact globally. Note: Grey areas indicate countries where data is not available.

Total Covid Deaths Per Region, Split by Country (March, 2022)

Analyze regional impact with the Stacked Bar Chart, which offers a comparative view of Total Deaths across various regions while also highlighting the contribution of major countries within each region. The layered visualisation enables you to identify not only the hardest-hit regions but also to pinpoint specific countries significantly influencing these numbers. Hover for detailed data and note that Oceania has been omitted due to its relatively low death toll.

Covid Cases against Deaths per Country (March, 2022)

Navigate through the Bubble Chart, which plots Total Cases per Million against Total Deaths per Million. providing a bidimensional perspective on the pandemics impact. The size of each bubble represents the population of the country, thus offering a three-dimensional view of case, death, and population scale. Engage with the chart interactively, using the search input to highlight specific countries and adjusting the minimum population slider to focus on countries above a certain population size. Explore individual country data by hovering over each bubble. From this graph, a relatively strong positive correlation can be viewed, indicating countries with higher Cases have higher deaths. Note: The use of a logarithmic scale enhances the clarity of data visualisation across a wide range.

Cases per Million Against Case/Test Ratio by Country (March, 2022)

The Scatter Plot to the right explores the relationship between Cases per Million and the ratio of Cases per Test for each country. Hover over a point to see detailed information. This plot prompts an examination of the testing efficacy against the case prevalence in various countries. Does a higher case/test ratio always align with higher cases per million? Hover over each point to unearth detailed information about each country.

Diverse Impacts Across Nations

Covid Metrics by Country (March, 2022)

The Radar Chart to the right compares Australia, Malaysia and France across 5 different covid metrics. The values of these metrics have been normalised to lie on a scale between 0 and 5, where a higher score indicates better performance. Hover over a point to see detailed information. This chart shows that Australia and Malaysia performed similarly in most metrics, with their biggest difference being in the Number of Tests. France has performed worse than the other two countries in most metrics except for Critical Cases and Number of Tests.

Deaths per Thousand Cases by Country (March, 2022)

The Bar Chart to the right displays Deaths per Thousand Cases for Australia, Malaysia and some other similar countries. Hover over a bar to see detailed information. This metric, an indicator of the lethality of the virus and the efficacy of healthcare response, provides a stark comparative view This chart reveals that Australia has relatively low deaths per thousand cases while Malaysia sits closer to the top of this group of countries.